Biblical Womanhood – Top book recs

Below are top resources for growing in biblical womanhood

The Gospel Centered Woman I Wendy Alsup

Many Christian books written to women claim to present God’s good instructions for their lives. Some expound on the value of marriage and children. Many extol the virtues of the Proverbs 31 wife. A good number teach the value of love, submission, and respect in Christian marriages. Though this book deals with these topics, The Gospel-Centered Woman addresses women from an entirely different perspective. The most important part of the Bible’s instructions to women center around the gospel. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection brought about a seismic shift in our understanding of Scripture. After His resurrection, His disciples understood words written thousands of years before with a clarity they never had previously. The good news of Christ illuminates all other Scripture, including instructions to women.

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The Accidental Feminist I Gloria Reissig

Many Christian women wouldn’t identify themselves as “feminists.” However, according to Courtney Reissig, we’ve all been influenced by the feminist movement in profound ways, unconsciously reflecting our culture’s notions about what it means to be a woman. Helping readers navigate a wise path in the midst of a confused world, this book chronicles the journey of a wife, mom, and successful writer as she recounts her journey from “accidental feminism” to a biblical view of womanhood. Filled with wise insights related to relationships, body image, and women’s roles in the home and the church, this thought-provoking book will help Christian women carefully consider these important issues.

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Is the Bible Good for Women? I Wendy Alsup

In this fascinating look at God’s work of redemption from Creation to today, Wendy Alsup explores questions such as:

– How does God view justice and equal rights for women?
– What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
– How have the centuries distorted our interpretation of how God views women?
– How did Jesus approach the Old Testament and how does that help us read difficult passages today?
– What is the difference between a modern view of feminism and the feminism that Scripture models?
– How does the Bible explain the Bible to us?

Using a Jesus-centered understanding to look at both God’s grand storyline and specific biblical passages, Alsup gives practical and accessible tools for understanding the noble ways God speaks to and about women in its pages and the dignity He places on His daughters.

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