To notify or update the Member Care team of a hospitalization, surgery, birth, death or other medical concern, call the Member Care line at 336-778-9066 or email membercare@cglife.org
If the need is critical, please call the Member Care line to reach the pastor on call.
Prayer + Care
When life happens, we’re here to walk beside you.
Extraordinary life with Jesus means that we are called to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2).
Whether you’re celebrating the birth of a new child, mourning the loss of a loved one, or anything in between, we want you to feel loved by us and by Jesus through it all.

Stephen Ministry
This is a confidential ministry that provides one-on-one support from trained care givers for anyone experiencing life’s challenges.

This specialized support group is for anyone experiencing grief after the loss of a loved one. We offer this group two times each year.

Financial hardships happen. Benevelonce funds are available to members of the Center Grove family to help with basic necessities.
When and Where
Prayer Opportunities
Prayer Team
Every single week we have team who gather together to pray for our church.
Night of Prayer + Worship
Every other month we hold a special evening service dedicated to intercessory prayer and worship as the church body. Together we cover our communities, nation, and world in prayer and take time to sing praises to the Lord.
Pray for Others
Sign up for the MemberCare newsletter to receive updates on prayer requests within the church. Join us in praying for these individuals daily.

Prayer + Care
Upcoming Events
CG Member Care Team

Mitch Monroe
Start Serving
Fill out the form to let us know what you’re interested in.
We’ll have a ministry leader follow up with you within the next week.
Prayer Requests + Member Care Updates
Use this form to request prayer for anything you need.
You can also update our Member Care team on any hospitalizations, surgeries, birthday, deaths, etc.