Join us this fall for Midweek discipleship courses that aim to equip you to live out your faith each day!
We want to help you take your next step to getting connected at Center Grove!
Associated Ministry
Filter by Ministry Adults All-Church Kids Outreach/Missions Prayer/Care Students Worship
MidWeek is Center Grove's weekly meetup where everyone is invited to enjoy fellowship with one another over dinner.
You Don't Have To Go Through Grief Alone
Today's teenagers are inundated with lies and deceit in our current culture.
CGStudents- Don't miss out on this awesome growth opportunity!
Join us for the next night of prayer and worship!
Faith Steps is a 4-session class for children who are ready to take their next step of faith.
A jam-packed, discipleship-oriented retreat weekend for CGStudents!
An exciting opportunity is coming up for CG parents!
A Special opportunity for students to share their faith!
One of the best weeks of the summer!